Dear Friend,
We want to challenge you to take a step of faith with us. We want you to come into a covenant relationship with us this year as my RT (Restoration Temple) Covenant Partner.

There is a miraculous anointing of God here on the ministry of Restoration Temple Church of God in Christ. We want to impart into you the same anointing God has deposited into us so you can experience His healing, saving, delivering power as well.

When you join us as a Covenant Partner, we will be forming a closer, and personal bond.

We covenant to pray for you and your family each day, to impart the Word and power of God into your life, and to help you walk in His miraculous provision every day.

You will also come into relationship with Restoration Temple Church of God In Christ which is a seedbed for the miraculous.

God has directed us to pour our life, ministry, and anointing into the lives of our Partners like you. As you come into covenant relationship with us and this ministry, which is a seedbed for the miraculous, we believe you will begin to manifest God's miraculous provision in every area of your life.

RT Partners are the pillars of strength that keep this soul-winning ministry piercing the darkness of a world in need of a Savior with the truth of the Gospel.

All it takes is for you to step out in faith today and accept the challenge of becoming RT Covenant Partner. It is your commitment to covenant with us in prayer and support as God leads you.

You are not obligated to a weekly pledge - I simply ask you to prayerfully covenant before God that you will give as God enables you, through this year, in agreement with
II Corinthians 9:7.

This is your opportunity to step into God's miraculous provision and come into a close personal relationship with us in which we can pour our life, ministry, and anointing into you, as you help fulfill the Great Commission to take the Gospel into all the earth.

Help us take God's power and presence to a world in need through Restoration Temple Church of God In Christ. Covenant to stand with us today as we Partner in ministry.

Please complete the RT Covenant Partner Form and submit to us accordingly.

In Humble Service,

Pastor Wesley & First Lady Shirleen Person

RT Covenant Partner Form

As you come in Covenant with us you will receive a special gift. Also, as our partner, you will receive each quarter words of inspiration that God has laid on Pastor Wesley Person’s heart just for our Partners. Also, your names will be laid before the altar in constant prayer.


To become a covenant partner with Restoration Temple, pledge to send us your monthly commitment of a minimum of "$25.00 or more for 12 months, or a one-time pledge of $300.00" or other gift amounts as the Spirit leads you.
To signup as a Covenant Partner, fill in the form below and we will mail you a Covenant Partner Certificate.

We will contact you by mail

Monthly ($25 for 12 months) One Time ($300) or other gift amounts as the Spirit leads you.

WE COVENANT ... with our Partners to:
· Faithfully intercede for your prayer requests,
· Send a copy of an inspirational message,
· Send you a certificate acknowledging you as a RT Covenant Partner.
· If you would like to sow into RT by becoming a Covenant Partner, please submit this form and we will send you your Partner certificate.


All donations to this ministry are tax-deductible. Restoration Temple (RT) C.O.G.I.C. is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization. Please make your check or money order payable to Restoration Temple Church of God in Christ and mail it to:

Restoration Temple Church of God in Christ (C.O.G.I.C.)
14300 Gallant Fox Lane, #105
Bowie, MD 20715